Archetypes, Myths & Legends Astrology

A Quick Guide to your Birth Chart Planets

“We are born in a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born.” –  Carl Jung

In reading a birth chart, the most important thing to know is the meaning of the planets.

Each planet represents a different part of yourself. Understanding them is key to making sense of the inner workings of your birth chart.

Whether you are an astrology student, a fan, or anyone reflecting on a birth chart between readings, it is mighty helpful to have a quick and easy guide to the planets.

The table below is my offering to any who wish to have on hand such a guide.


Table of Planets

Listed in the table are the planets used in most astrology readings, with their astrological symbols (to help you find them in your birth chart).

Keywords for the meaning of each planet are given, that illustrate its archetype, its principle, and its psychological characteristics.

An ancient god or two is also listed for each planet. I’ve found that the ancient myths and tales of these gods evocatively describe the planet’s themes and tell its stories, in ways that we humans can powerfully relate to as our own.


The Birth Chart as your Heart’s Plan

The meaning of each planet is different to the others. They are like colours in a paint box, that brought together in a unique and meaningful way, picture you. I call the essence of this picture your heart’s plan, the magic of which is revealed in your birth chart.

There is other information to be found in your chart too. For example, the relationship between the planets, as shown by the lines that connect some of them. And the houses, or areas of the chart, in which they are situated. And the astrological signs of each of the planets, e.g., Virgo, Leo, that give them a certain quality.


Book a Reading

Where any of this information adds important meaning to the story of your Heart’s Plan it is covered in an astrology reading with me.

Expect some ‘aha’ moments, as you recognise how the needs and characteristics of each of your planets and its archetype propels and shapes who you are.

The best way to have this experience is to book yourself a professional astrology reading. In between readings however you might find it helpful to have a reminder of what the planets  in your birth chart mean.

So, grab your birth chart if you have one, and use the table below to go exploring!




the hero on life’s journey, your shining light, the ego and personal identity, will, purpose, individuality

e.g. The Hero

d MOON  

the child, the mother, feelings, caring, the anima, body and soul

e.g. The Great Mother Goddess


the mind, communicating, thinking, reasoning, perceiving

e.g. Hermes – messenger of the gods


love, value, attraction, beauty, relationship

e.g. Eros, Aphrodite – love deities

h MARS  

the warrior, competing, fighting, taking action, forceful energy, libido, courage

e.g. Ares – god of war


wisdom, beliefs, the big picture, joy, optimism, expanding, progressing

e.g. Zeus – king of the gods


time, matter, tests, difficulties, limits, maturity, necessity, reality checks, judgement, mortality, authority, responsibility, the senex, fate, the superego

e.g. Kronos – father of the gods


wise and respected teacher, mentor, the incurable wound, the inner healer, compassion for suffering, soul pain

e.g. Chiron – the wounded healer


freedom, change, revolution, the rebel, the unexpected, the new, breakthroughs, brilliance, awakening

e.g. Prometheus – the fire-stealer


the higher self, the sacred, the symbolic, archetypes, the imagination, spirituality, empathy, sensitivity, synchronicity, letting go, boundlessness, faith, the ideal, myths, dreams, mysticism, metaphors, images, the infinite, mother-sea

e.g. The Muses – goddesses of the arts


passion, power, the instincts, the earth gods, animal nature, the underworld, the shadow, the id, death and rebirth, the taboo, depth, intensity, potency

e.g. Dionysus – the god of fertility, Persephone – the queen of the underworld, Kundalini – the serpent goddess

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