Here are some of the questions clients often ask – if you have other questions, feel free to email me.

What does a Birth Chart Reading cover?

We explore key archetypes and patterns in your birth chart that impact me with their importance to you. This triggers a discussion of key life themes, life purpose, personal potential, gifts and challenges. We may also explore how early life experiences have shaped you, and helpful strategies for liberating personal growth.

If you’re interested in what I mean by your archetypes, please read here.

What does a Transit Reading cover?

Transits compare current planetary positions to those of your birth chart. They are astrology’s most potent predictive tool. I identify your transits for these sessions and the areas of your life and inner world that are currently tasked with evolving.

Transit readings explore the timing and nature of current opportunities, challenges, and dilemmas, and strategies for responding positively. 

Sometimes session content is guided by a specific question you have; or a special area of interest such as relationships, creativity, health issues, education, career, work; or even bigger questions such as ‘why am I here?’ You can set the agenda. But you don’t have to. By the time we meet I’ll be well briefed on themes I’d intuitively like to follow, given your transits and archetypal patterns. Once we get together, we simply follow the magic. 

How do you work with tarot?

Tarot sessions are exclusively offered as an add on to astrology sessions. After an in-depth exploration with astrology, tarot cards typically offer fresh insight without information overwhelm. I love how their imagery can quickly open a door to understanding. An issue can be unravelled, resources revealed, and a healing direction suggested in a typical 5 card spread. Mostly I use the classical Rider-Waite deck.

What information do you need for an astrology session?

Please see the ‘book a session’ page for exact details. But to summarise, the only essential information I need is your date of birth. The place you were born is very useful if you know it. And so is your time of birth. To find out your time of birth consider the following:

  • some countries report the time of birth on the birth certificate (not Australia)
  • you may have a baby card or a blue card that records the time of your birth
  • you can enquire about your record of birth from the records department of the hospital where you were born
  • there may be other documentation of your birth that records your birth time
  • often a family member present at your birth will have useful information

If you can’t obtain exact information, it helps me to know how approximate the time of your birth is, e.g. within an hour either way. If no information is available regarding your time of birth, then your date of birth will be used to construct your birth chart. This commonly happens, and still produces a brilliant map of your heart’s plan.

Do you work like other astrologers?

I have a passionate interest in opening the door to self-knowledge, which is the goal of every session that I offer.

I therefore work best with people interested in self-discovery and personal growth. And those willing to explore their life and inner territory in a 2-way conversation.

My astrology skills are especially informed by the ideas of Archetypal Astrology and the psychological ideas of Carl Jung. And each tool that I work with, astrology, tarot, and active imagination techniques, is designed to channel intuitive guidance and access the wisdom of symbols. 

If I have a problem, can you tell me what to do, or what will happen?

I can help you to access a deeper wisdom and to understand your life through an archetypal lens and we will consider your current circumstances in this light, however I cannot know on a concrete level what will happen in your future. I also strongly believe that it’s crucial for any practitioner not to tell a client what to do but to support them in making their own decisions about how best to proceed. Please read my Terms of Service below.

How can your work help me?

Heart’s Plan sessions are best for people who are on a path of  personal development, creativity, and self-understanding. My work offers a way of understanding your archetypal patterns, a way of seeing that opens you up to self-discovery and affords a deeper experience of meaning, purpose, and connection. Exploring your heart’s plan can be a fun adventure begun with curiosity and stepping stone to a therapeutic journey should that be of interest.

How do you explore the heart’s plan?

My specialisation lies in the art of reading symbols. I’m powerfully intuitive, and have many years’ experience using astrology, mythology, tarot and guided inner journeys as tools of self-discovery. Your intuition will be a valued partner as we explore the archetypal symbols of your heart’s plan. Where it is helpful to do so, I will also guide you through the deeper waters of exploring your life’s patterns, particularly as they were established in your family of origin experiences. Archetypal astrology raises to awareness both old patterns and inner potential and is quite different to the astrology you may find in the columns of newspapers or online.

Is one astrology session enough?

One consultation can never be the complete story, but it can give you a blueprint, make striking connections between your life and your heart’s plan, and provide a taste of the process to see if it’s right for you. Understandably, to focus a session and give it direction demands some depth or diversity of coverage be sacrificed. Hence, some clients enjoy a series of sessions to deepen self-knowledge or navigate a life transition.

How often should I have a session?

This can vary from person to person. As a rule of thumb, whenever you feel called to gain more insight or awareness. With enhanced connection to your intuition, you will know what you need. And what you need may vary over time. Your heart’s plan is a continuously unfolding spiritual process, that sometimes moves you through big transitions, and always urges toward wholeness.

Are astrology sessions recorded?

All the Heart’s Plan astrology sessions are recorded on an mp4 file for you to download from a cloud service. You will be emailed the link to your recording after the session. Although best efforts are made to produce a quality recording, there can be no guarantee of a recording, or one of high quality (due to the dependence upon technology and the internet).

Tarot sessions and Professional Supervision are not recorded.

Zoom or Skype?

In short, you get to choose. I’ve been doing this a long time, and my clients live in a wide range of areas. Many are interstate, and some are overseas. I’m highly experienced in Zoom and Skype sessions. Since the pandemic, all my work happens this way. 

What if I need to change my appointment?

To reschedule an appointment, I require a minimum of 24 hours’ notice. Appointments can be rescheduled within a month, otherwise the appointment is considered cancelled and the cancellation policy applies. Cancellations up to 72 hours prior to an appointment will ensure a full refund. After this time, payment is forfeited as work on your chart is completed.


Should you proceed with a consultation please note that I am not a mental health professional. You should seek independent counsel from appropriate professionals for any concerns that may require specialised guidance, especially regarding mental health, medical, legal or financial matters.

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  • you agree to take full responsibility for how you may understand or act upon the information which has been provided
  • you acknowledge that you have read and accept the terms and conditions herein
  • you accept this disclaimer in full


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