discover your heart’s plan
Together we can explore:
- Your personal archetypes
- Your life themes, personality patterns, and inner dilemmas
- Your personal potential, gifts, and challenges
- How family of origin experiences have shaped you
- Strategies for transforming unhelpful patterns and for making new choices
- What gives you a sense of purpose
Your birth chart is a pattern of archetypes that is incomparably special and unique. And the best news? It never stops growing toward your potential. And you can help that happen.
New insights, or aha moments, typically experienced in a birth chart reading, can offer clarity, perspective, strategies, and motivation for becoming the best of who you are.
Learning about your birth chart is an extraordinary aid in the work of self-discovery. It is your very own roadmap for growth, healing, and change.
* The Birth Chart Reading is the basis for understanding your heart’s plan. Please select this option if you are a first-time client, or for in-depth follow up sessions.
Why not complement your astrology session with the intuitive guidance of a tarot reading? Read more.