Astrology Package

Package of  2 extra sessions – 2 hours each

If you would love to do more, this is for you. The opportunity to deeply explore your heart’s plan is available through an affordable package of 2 extra sessions that are to follow on from the initial in-depth astrology session.

Benefits of 3 in-depth sessions

Reap the benefits of:

  • an in-depth investigation of your specific questions
  • first-hand experience of your inner life and its wisdom, in a guided journey or active imagination activity
  • and broader coverage of the archetypal patterns that express your heart’s plan

Highly recommended.

Fee $299 **


Please Note: All 3 sessions must be utilised within 6 months of the initial session. This ensures that we can accurately explore questions that are central to your life right now, and to the current unfolding of your heart’s plan.

** Price inclusive of the preparation time necessary for a full archetypal analysis PLUS recordings and required astrology charts.

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